1 SY Germany CONTACT
Contact Germany
Kasia +491636946323 Berlin
(Polish,German, English)
Nadine 004915776458691 Frankfurt
(English, German)
For Ukranians wanting to come to Germany please also Contact:
Konstantin +49 176 34957653
(Russian, English, German, Ukranian, Polish)
Larisa Pankevic, +49157 55671480
(Russian, German, English)
Maria Vavzsinjak (Nürnberg) +491745631064
(Ukranian, Russian, English, German)
2 Situation
2.1 SY Germany + Accommodation
In Germany we have 7 major SY center + additional centers / yogis surrounding,
Major SY-Cities/Areas are: Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig/Dresden, Frankfurt (am Main), Köln, Stuttgart, München
Yogis are offering private accommodation; these can be used as a short-term solution or as a longer-term solution depending on the hosts. After registration as refugee (Asyl), there should be money coming from the government for rent + additional money for spendings.
2.2 How to get to Germany (for free)
2.2.1 Train – Deutsche Bahn
Refugees with a Ukrainian passport or identity card should be “free to use all long-distance trains from Poland towards Germany to Berlin,” the Deutsche Bahn announced.
Up to six long-distance trains from Poland to Germany run regularly every day, all via the Frankfurt/Oder border crossing. Long-distance trains come from Warsaw, Gdańsk, Przemyśl on the Ukrainian border, Kraków, Vienna and Wroclaw.
The railway is in close contact with authorities and partner railways in Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria.
Trains from Krakow to Berlin. Do not care about the prices, as they shall be free with ukrainian passport. Guess photocopy works also.
There might be charges for further traveling with the train within Germany, this was not stated clearcut. Traintimings
Fill in START and DESTINATION on the website :
Scroll down and press (search)
See the duration time and the small numbers
0= no change necessarry 3= three times you have to change the train
2.2.2 Airplane
Ukrainian refugees wishing to book a flight can do so by visiting: https://wizzair.com/#/rescue.
Budapest-based Wizz, the biggest low-cost carrier in eastern Europe, is making the tickets available from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania as people flee the war. Flights are available to almost all onward destinations this month, with the exception of Iceland, the Canary Islands and the United Arab Emirates.
London, Wednesday 2 March 2022: Wizz Air today announced it will support Ukrainian refugees by offering them 100,000 free seats* on all continental Europe flights departing from Ukraine’s border countries (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania). Wizz Air is committed to helping the refugees reach their final destinations, wherever that may be. Wizz Air has already added larger planes and extra flights from border countries to Europe to help support the movement of refugees as necessary.
In addition, Wizz Air recognises that many refugees have already started moving and may be stranded in other locations. As such, the airline will also offer a 29.99** Euro rescue fare on all other flights (excluding the UAE, Iceland and the Canaries), as well as a 69.99** Euro rescue fare on all flights to the UAE, Iceland and the Canaries.
Ukrainian refugees wishing to book a flight can do so by visiting: https://wizzair.com/#/rescue. The 100,000 free seats and the rescue fares will be available for travel throughout March. Passengers will be required to provide their Ukrainian passport/ID card number at time of booking and show their Ukrainian passport/ID card at time of check-in.
Ryanair Holdings Plc said it will help airlift medical supplies bound for Ukraine.
3 Refugees Asylum and Other Help
3.1 Short Summary
The whole process is “in the making” of the German Government. It is not fixed yet in special legislation. Unknown yet, if there will be special or additional laws to the existing one´s for refugees (Asyl). Maybe only the handling will be changed and be less bureaucratic.
The official announcement about the handling are:
uncomplicated, 3 years Asylum (not necessary the end), free choice of location, already for first 1 year, work allowed (not necessary the end),
+ normally (if no work) the rent and additional money is paid
Ukrainians can already (before war) easily enter the EU and stay for three months: “Ukrainians have the right to enter the country without a visa. So you can, without having to apply for asylum come to the EU. And they can legally travel to any European country.” (source https://www.dw.com/de/asyl-welche-regeln-gelten-f%C3%BCr-fl%C3%BCchtlinge-aus-der-ukraine/a-60961795)
3.2 Passport necessary?
It seems like the handling is unbureaucratic: biometric passport not necessary, there are reports about people coming without passports on national news.
More details:
(28.02.) Is it possible to enter Germany without a biometric passport?
Since air traffic from Ukraine is currently suspended, Ukrainian nationals cannot travel directly to the Federal Republic of Germany. How entry into the Schengen area via a Member State of the European Union bordering Ukraine is organized is up to the Member State concerned.
Since 2017, Ukrainian nationals with a biometric passport have been able to enter the EU without a visa for short-term stays under EU law. Ukrainian nationals with a non-biometric passport generally require a visa to enter the country. However, a Member State may grant exceptions to entry into its territory on humanitarian grounds.
Small teams from the German diplomatic missions in Warsaw, Kraków, Chisinau, Bratislava, Bucharest and Budapest are currently standing by in the neighboring countries of Ukraine in order to be present at individual border crossings if necessary and to primarily provide consular support for Germans leaving Ukraine, but also if necessary to provide information on visa applications and pandemic-related entry issues. Can short stay duration or visa for Ukrainian citizens be extended?
The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland has informed the states of the following:
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, it can be assumed that it is unreasonable for Ukrainian nationals who are currently in Germany for short stays to complete the visa procedure for the issuance of a residence permit if they have not entered the country with the visa required for this.
Ukrainian nationals who have entered Germany without a visa for a short stay can obtain a residence permit for a further 90 days after the 90 days have expired.
To apply, please contact the immigration office responsible for your place of residence.
https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/ministerium/ukraine-krieg/faq-liste-ukraine-krieg.html (at the link German version only)
3.3 German Government Regulations
There are three federal ministries involved (BAMF, BMI, Foreign Affairs). The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) should be the most relevant.
As it is an ongoing dynamic process there will be frequently updates of Information. Till now there are no strong information’s about different dealing with the Ukranian refugees in each of the 16 states, as it may have been the case with refugees before. Still, there might be minor variations in handling of the different states.
The English versions of the website, do not always cover all the informations given in German. For Ukrainian and Russian versions it is supposedly the same.
3.3.1 Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
The situation in Ukraine is currently very dynamic. The following information provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). They correspond to the findings of the Federal Office at the time of publication, but can always change afterwards. The FAQ will be adjusted if there are new, reliable findings. FAQ (German)
More Information (German) on the Website of BMI and the Auswärtigen Amts.
Infos in Ukranian language:
Зараз ситуація дуже динамічна та швидко змінюється. Інформація відповідає ситуації з боку федерального відомства на момент публікації, але вона може ще змінитися. У разі з’явлення нової інформації цей документ буде оновлено.
Міграційні питання та відповіді про Україну
Більше інформації можна знайти тут
Федеральне міністерство внутрішніх справ
Міністерство закордонних справ
Infos in Russian language:
Ответы Федерального ведомства по вопросам миграции и беженцев на часто задаваемые вопросы (ЧаВо) о въезде из Украины и пребывания в Германии. Перечень часто задаваемых вопросов ЧаВо будет обновляться по мере поступления новой информации.
Дополнительную информацию можно найти на сайте Федерального министерства внутренних дел и Федерального министерства иностранных дел
3.3.2 Ministry of the Interior – BMI – Bundesinnenministerium
Frequently asked questions about entering Germany from Ukraine and residing in Germany (English)
Deutsch – German
3.3.3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Auswärtiges Amt
Q&A Ukrainische Staatsangehörige und Drittstaatsangehörige mit Wohnsitz in der Ukraine:
3.3.4 Different states – Bundesländer Hessen, Germany:
3.4 For University Students – DAAD
Offers of assistance for Ukrainian students and scientists from the German Academic Exchange Service – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DAAD:
On that page you find many links regarding studies and funding.
For Example: Volkswagen Foundation: Funding for Refugee Scholars and Scientists from Ukraine from all disciplines, for 6-12 months, at a German university
3.5 NGO – Pro Asyl
Detailed information (in German) about the EU regulations which will be transferred to Germany