You are extremely powerful, whatever you desire works out – Shri Mataji
Jay Shri Mataji!
Dear brothers and sisters, each collective has prepared a page where you will find all necessary information e.g. transport, accommodation, contact etc. In case you would like to know more please choose country below. If you have any questions or suggestions please let us know.
Glory to Ukraine!
Dear brothers and sisters, the situation in Ukraine is getting increasingly difficult with the winter approaching and the infrastructure in many parts of the country destroyed.
“Ukraine is going through continuous problems of cutoff electricity, water, etc., electricity cutoff time max 12 hours in a day. Have been noticed that People are preparing themselves in case of any nuclear attacks. Most of the people preparing or repairing their underground, buying medicines which reduces effects of radiation, oxygen helmets, first time in my life have seen the anti radiation boots which also reduces effects of radiation. Thought of writing just to make you all aware what’s going on in the other world-Ukraine.”
Could we please help our Sahaja Brothers and Sisters through this difficult time with our generous donations.